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Mac Civils Limited is committed to operating in a sustainable and responsible manner, in order to do this we will:


  • Set continuous improvement targets to improve in all areas.

  • Identify opportunities and where possible improve sustainability whilst meeting legal obligations.

  • Identify and attempt to mitigate any adverse impacts and risks.

  • Promote the ideals of sustainability throughout our management of systems and personnel.

  • Promote consultation with personnel, clients, customers and interested third parties or members of the communities in which we operate.

  • Ensure honesty, integrity and transparency in all our business dealings.

  • The utmost integrity and professionalism is expected and required from all persons working for and on behalf of Mac Civils Limited at all times. 

  • The company is committed to providing and promoting equal opportunities. We will not tolerate discriminatory practices, whether in terms of race, colour, religion, beliefs, disability, gender, sexual orientation, age or any other. We recruit, employ and develop personnel upon the basis of merit.  We welcome diversity within the workforce, encouraging all to contribute to our business and workforce.

  • We will not tolerate or engage in corrupt policies. The company adopts a zero tolerance approach to bribery and corruption in all forms, whether direct, indirect or by or through third parties.

  • We place particular emphasis upon seeking to reduce our energy consumption, carbon emissions and waste production.


To implement this policy it is essential the core values, as set out by the company’s Business Policy, are adhered to at all times. Those core values are:









This policy will be made available to any interested parties upon request.



* This policy will be reviewed on an annual basis and any amendments communicated to the relevant personnel

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